
"Brussels Flowers" flowers art specialist offers a complete and personalised service to enterprises that like yours want to care their image. In our world of concurrence, good business is still going better and going on in a quality atmosphere.

Your enterprise is aware and wants to put all the good things on his side. "Brussels Flowers" helps you on the way of success by proposing you a system of weekly arrangement and flowers decoration.

Brussels Flowers



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Our Address:

Brussels Flowers

Boulevard Maurice Lemonnier 12
B-1000 Brussels

Phone: +32 (0)2 513 93 20

Fax: +32 (0)2 513 93 29

VAT: BE 0535.381.701

Opening Hours Shop:

from Monday to Friday

from 8 AM to 6 PM
closed on Saturday, Sunday and holidays

Copyright © by Brussels Flowers.